Work-Related Injuries

Reporting Work-Related Injuries
You are required by Florida law to report all on-the-job injuries to us within 7 days of the accident. Immediately report all workplace injuries to us using the methods below. Failure to timely report workers’ compensation injuries can result in a fine of up to $2,000 from the State of Florida as well as cancellation of your workers’ compensation insurance policy.

Step 1: Determine Medical Need.
Emergency: In an emergency situation, call 911 or transport the injured worker to the nearest emergency facility. Within 24 hours of initial emergency treatment, report the injury using one of the methods below.
Non-Emergency: In a non-emergency situation, report the injury using one of the methods below. A case nurse or adjuster will assist you in finding medical treatment at one of our approved medical facilities or providers.

Step 2: Report the Work-Related Injury.

  • Call 800-444-9098, extension 1.
  • Email a First Report of Injury Form* to [email protected] or fax to 407-352-5788.

Important Reminder: The FCBI Fund requires the employer to send injured workers to an approved medical facility (doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc.). Failure to do so (unless in an emergency situation) is a violation of our underwriting guidelines and could result in the termination of your workers’ compensation policy. Florida law requires all work-related injuries to be reported to us within 7 days of the date you are told about the injury. Failure to do so could result in a fine from the State of Florida of up to $2,000.
* You can download a First Report of Injury Form from the Resources & Documents section of our website.

Work-Related Injury Reporting Wallcard
Policyholders should post a Work-Related Injury Reporting Wallcard near their broken arm workers’ compensation poster ­with instructions on ­how to report a work-related injury from the Resources & Documents section of our website.

Safety Consultation Services
Injuries and accidents affect employers by causing lost time from work and can result in higher premiums.

To help achieve a safe workplace, safety consultation and loss prevention services are offered through USIS, Inc. located in Orlando. Services include job-site consultations with a certified safety expert. These services are designed to prevent and minimize the frequency of losses in the workplace.

For more information on how to set up a safety consultation with a USIS Safety Representative, contact our Risk Assessment Department at [email protected] or call us at 866-469-3224.

The University of South Florida also offers a wide range of free safety-related services to businesses, including safety consultations, OSHA resources, and safety programs. They can help your business establish a written safety program that would qualify for the 2% Employer Workplace Safety Program Premium Credit. Call them at 866-273-1105 or visit their website at