CFO, Jimmy Patronis, attended the 3rd Quarter FCBI Board of Trustees meeting to present a proclamation in recognition of the 45th Anniversary of the Florida Citrus, Business and Industries Fund.
One of the CFO’s many responsibilities is financial and insurance regulation, and he oversees insurance carriers and self-insurance funds through the Office of Insurance Regulation.
He shared words of congratulations to the board, staff, and all FCBI agent partners for their dedication to protecting Florida’s workforce over the past 45 years. He recognized the importance of the Citrus industry to the State of Florida, and commended the pioneers of the Fund for seeking a solution to protect their workers by creating the Fund.
By expanding its underwriting guidelines to encompass a broader range of general business including retail establishments, the construction industry, service industry businesses and others, FCBI now provides coverage to a greater share of Florida’s workforce.
Pictured L to R: John Minton, Vice Chair; Gap Kovach, Trustee; Dan Richey, Chairman; CFO Jimmy Patronis; Debra Ruedisili, CEO; Sam Oswald, CFO; Jeff Jennings, Trustee; Jim Emerson, Trustee